Dropbox Showcase has new functionality, now available for business teams

Managing projects, tracking your deliverables and working with clients is all about organisation. But, doing all of that organising yourself is a huge challenge that eats up precious time. Time that could be much better spent winning new business, delivering creative projects for your clients, or time back to focus on the work you really enjoy.
Emma Nicol, Founder of UK-based creative design agency Door 22 Creative, found herself epitomising these challenges. After her decision to relocate, her team of ten worked remotely between Brighton and Derbyshire, collaborating on clients’ work virtually. Wanting to improve her team’s communication and how they delivered work to clients, she joined the Dropbox Showcase trial programme last year.
Designed to give creative people and team leaders a simpler way to create, manage and present their work, Dropbox Showcase provides a single, professionally branded page to show-off work. “The simplicity of the interface means that you aren’t bogged down in any additional admin, you are still concentrating on the project and conceptualisation of the creative process,” says Emma. “If used in a creative way it will be really powerful. Dropbox Showcase is a very robust place to share assets, particularly for projects that have a wide collective team of creatives and clients spread over various locations. It will definitely change the way we communicate and collaborate, allowing us to become even more efficient.”
After this introduction to Showcase last year, we are now excited to roll it out to all Dropbox Business Advanced and Enterprise teams, adding new functionality so you can present and demonstrate your work in a more engaging way to clients, customers and internal stakeholders. Now, instead of burying your work in a pile of links or attachments you can let your work tell the story.
To find out about the new functionalities we’ve added to Showcase, and how it can be used to improve project delivery and management for your business, head here.