Dropbox Named Best In Class For ‘Sync Performance’

Imagine someone comes up to you today and says they’re going to make your business run faster. They’re going to click their fingers, and all of a sudden the systems your employees use, the things you have in place to help your business grow, they’re all going to be quicker.
For one employee it would be great; it would make them happier – something we already know is linked to business growth. It would enable them to be more productive, giving them more time to think, be more creative and work on the things that make the business money. But now, magnify that, imagine you grow to a team of ten, a hundred or even a thousand, it’s staggering to think of the opportunities being faster gives you.
At Dropbox, we’re all about making things simpler, more secure, and making them faster too. It’s in our DNA. In fact fast, efficient sync technology is one of the many reasons people are choosing to work with us. And leading industry analyst IDC agrees, having just named Dropbox as best in class for sync performance in their independent EFSS Evaluation Guide: Dropbox Sync Performance.
And it was no fluke, being fast and simple in the cloud has helped our customers grow their business, and deliver some fantastic projects. Ugly Drinks started its business and to this day run it 100% in the cloud, while Enda Athletic rely on Dropbox to collaborate with manufacturers and design teams all around the world. Manufacturing company KAVAJ on the other hand, completely threw the rule book out the window and did away with their office space altogether, instead choosing to rely on Dropbox’s sync function for all file sharing and document tracking.
After a series of tests to evaluate performance in several key areas, IDC concluded that Dropbox sync technology delivers “by far, the fastest update performance.” Tests also showed that Dropbox offers businesses “the fastest upload and download speeds for a large file by a significant margin.” And Dropbox sync is smart, saving time, network costs, and bandwidth by only syncing file changes instead of the whole file over and over again.
At Dropbox, we don’t work in a vacuum. We collaborate with colleagues on all kinds of files across devices and platforms, in offices around the world. “Sync is often overlooked or under-tested when evaluating EFSS services because it is something that essentially happens in the background. However, sync is a crucial part of any EFSS service,” said Chandana Gopal, research manager at IDC. “Our evaluation shows, for example, that the top performer on something as common as a sync update is more than 13 times faster than the slowest performer. That kind of performance difference matters, ultimately impacting end-user adoption, productivity and satisfaction.”
Dropbox, and the cloud, enabling better end-user adoption, productivity and satisfaction? Those are values we’re certainly striving for in the workplace; values we recently discovered were shared with Thames Water’s Head of Transformation Michael Cook who told us: “Human beings are the best way to make things happen. Introducing the cloud into that environment helps humans to be better.”
And all it takes is a click of the finger… that’s the power of sync. For more information check out our website.
Footnote: Source: IDC, EFSS Evaluation Guide: Dropbox Sync Performance, US41574216, July 2016.