Getting Back to Meaningful Work

We’re living in a world where anything is possible; it’s an age of entrepreneurism fuelled by optimism and innovation. Take Ugly Drinks, or MBJ for example. Small, agile businesses who’ve released the shackles of conventional business to grow faster.
But scratch below the surface and you’ll find a group of people feeling left behind. A big group too. In fact, research for the British Council shows roughly half of young UK adults believe the education system’s left them short of life-skills, leaving many feeling overburdened by responsibilities.
Encouragingly though, most say they’re ready to embrace the opportunities of change; for example, 54 per cent believe that technology is improving workplaces for the better.
At Dropbox we believe creative energy is a precious resource, which needs to be nurtured, encouraged and exercised on a level playing field.
That’s why we’re partnering with The School of Life, an institution set up by Alain de Botton. The School of Life is a global organisation focussed on ‘emotional intelligence’ and dedicated to tackling the issues stopping people from finding fulfilling work. The School of Life is committed to helping this generation master relationships, as well as work, leisure and culture. It’s a genuine example of that playing field being levelled.
Over the past few months we’ve been working with The School of Life to explore what it takes to get back to meaningful work, and we’re hopeful our research published tomorrow will go a long way to removing some of the obstacles to creative fulfilment.
Brennan Jacoby, Faculty Member at The School of Life says: “What exactly do a bunch of philosophers from The School of Life have to do with a bunch of engineers from Dropbox? The answer is that we are both deeply interested in helping people enjoy and be more successful in their work. While technology continues to evolve, our psychological needs and the way we relate to others has remained the same for thousands of years. Coming together in partnership meant we could explore the topic of good collaboration in a totally new and refreshing way, bringing some of the best ideas from history and philosophy to bear on some of the most cutting-edge developments in technology.”
So, stay tuned this week for more on what our study shows. You can download the ebook here, and if you want to find out more about The School of Life, you can take a look here.